Almuñecar Medical Center
Doctor - Almuñecar
Call us
Our doctors are available now:
24 hours a day 365 days a year
In Almuñecar
A complete medical service for private patients and people with travel insurance in Almuñecar, La Herradura and Salobreña.
Same day doctors appointments available.
Free doctors consultations for people with
out patient travel insurance
in Almuñecar
Do you live here and have a local Insurance?
We are able to offer a GP service:
Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Our English, Swedish and French speaking doctors attend patients at our Medical Center in the heart of Almuñecar City. Come by for immediate assistance by one of our doctors or call us 24/7
(+34) 624 273 885
If a doctor is needed at your home or hotel in Almuñecar, La Herradura or Salobreña, we arrange this immediately. Please call our emergency phone (+34) 624 273 885
Our team have support from a large fleet of ambulances in Almuñecar, La Herradura and Salobreña.
Please call our urgent care phone
(+34) 624 273 885
(+34) 624 273 885
Our medical centers and associated hospitals work with most international travel insurances.
SOS International
Folksam, Länsförsäkringar, IF, Dina, Gouda etc and many more.
You will not have to pay us for medical treatment at the medical center or hospital, your insurance company will cover you.
If need be, we can divert patients directly to our main hospital.Please call our urgent care phone
(+34) 624 273 885
(+34) 624 273 885
Just need a prescription refill? Drop by M-F 09:00 - 17:00
Our medial team is made up of native British and Swedish staff. We provide a complete medical service, be it issuing a prescription for some antibiotics to treating the most urgent cases at one of our hospitals. All of our doctors speak many languages.

Our normal opening hours for non-urgent care in Almuñecar:
09:00 – 17:00 – Monday to Friday.
For urgent medical attention in Almuñecar, please call 24/7:
(+34) 624 273 885

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Quick, professional, knowledgeable and made me feel completely at ease. I would recommend Costa Medical Services to all. Thank you.

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Excellent service,pick appointment time, pay the money and you get the call at set time. Telephone consultation, prescription sent to my phone. What's not to like. Highly recommend it.

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Appointment within an hour - prescription collected, very quick, hassle free when you need antibiotics for a bad sinus infection. Fantastic service and would recommend and or use again.

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Absolutely brilliant service. Got an appt right away, prescription and filled all within an hour. Better than I could have hoped for at home in USA.

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Excellent service, consultation with doctor and e prescription for antibiotics with 20 minutes. Very impressed, thank you.
Medical Certificate of Good Health (IHR 2005) for the Spanish Visa now available at the
Almuñecar Medical Center

For urgent care or more information please call us 24/7
(+34) 624 64 99 77

Medical Center
in Almuñecar

Ambulance in Almuñecar

Speaking doctors in Almuñecar

Doctors 24h phone line open
in Almuñecar